Week 1 Nailing a Sub 2 Hour Half Marathon

And So It Begins

Week 1 (duration 105-150mins)

All Easy runs should be run at easy pace RPE 1-3. That is the pace at which you can easily hold a conversation. If you find a that the paces indicated here are either too slow to fast then, maybe this plan is not the right fit and you will need to get in touch. 

All the very best for your training!

Phase: Base fitness

Monday – Recovery or Cross Train, 30mins, pace 5:59-6:29m/km

Tuesday – Easy Run 30-45mins, pace 5:59-6:29m/km

Wednesday - Recovery or Cross Train, 30mins, pace 5:59-6:29m/km

Thursday – Progression Run 30-45mins, pace 5:59-6:29m/km, last 10 mins at Half Marathon goal pace, 5:21-5:40m/km

Friday / Saturday - Recovery or Cross Train, 30mins, pace 5:59-6:29m/km

Sunday – Long Steady Run, 45-50mins, pace 6:01-6:46m/km

There is an easy to use Glossary of terms that describes each type of run 

Good luck with your training. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Contact us here

Be sure to read our other getting started articles and running insight here.

Other useful information 

  1. Why run?

Running is good for you! The Greeks knew it, Eluid Kipchoge knows it and so does the medical community. Moreover, running or any form of activity offsets the disastrous health impacts for those of us (the majority) with a largely sedentary lifestyle. Running offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits, making it a popular and accessible form of exercise. 

  1. Need some running inspiration, become extra-ordinary.

Running is a journey of self-discovery that can propel ordinary individuals to extraordinary heights. It teaches us that we are capable of far more than we initially believed, instils confidence, nurtures the mind-body connection, and fosters a sense of community. So, the next time you lace up your running shoes, remember that each step is not just a stride forward but a testament to your untapped potential and the extraordinary person you are becoming. 

  1. How to set and conquer running goals

Embark on your running journey with a strategic plan, dedication, and a passion for progress. By following these focused steps, you'll be well on your way to achieving your running goals and experiencing the joy of reaching new goals. 

  1. Do I have the right gear, what do I need?

You do not need to dress like an Olympian or those serious club / recreational runners you see at ParkRun. There is however a reason why Olympians have all the gear: its comfortable and it works for them. You should work on the same principle: What is comfortable and works for you. 

  1. What should I expect from training?

Training is ultimately about showing your body what to expect on race day. You can’t talk to your body or tell it what is going to happen and what you want it to do; well, you can but people might think you strange. What you must do is take your body on the journey, show it the actions that will be required on the day. By the time you get to your event, your body, your mind, through your training and practice, will know the technique, the distance, the terrain, the weather, the course, how to use the aid stations, and the speed to run, to complete or compete. You will practise all this in your training. BRING IT ON.

It’s that simple, this is all training is. You just need a plan that incorporates all these aspects and helps you maximise the benefit of the time and effort you put in. 

  1. Common mistakes runners make and how to avoid them

Being forewarned is forearmed. By avoiding these common mistakes and adopting a thoughtful, gradual approach to running, you can enhance your performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and make your running experience more enjoyable. Remember to prioritise your wellbeing and make adjustments as needed based on how your body responds.


 Be The Best You Can Be