Week 8 Nailing a Sub 2 Hour Half Marathon

Week 8 (duration 150-175mins)

Phase: Build strength and fitness

The last week of the BUILD phase. You will be feeling strong and fit. This week we will switch things up a little. We will move away from the Hills and move to a Fartlek workout. This is best run on a gently undulating course. Do not focus on pace, rather pay attention to the effort and maintain that at Rate of Perceived Exertion 6.

For each Fartlek effort you should try to run as hard as you can to complete the time. Start at the slow end of your 10k race effort range and get faster as the workout progresses. The goal is to complete the workout and feel like you do not want to or can do another rep. Sometimes, we may feel that we still have another rep in us at the end. If this is the case and you are feeling strong then do another rep, but not more than 7 reps.

Keep the recovery jogs as that, easy pace or slightly slower, this is a constant workout, no stopping and try to avoid walking between reps.

If you get a stitch, it is OK to walk it off. Place your hands on your head and walk, whilst breathing steadily. I have found this method to be effective at recovering from ‘stitches’

As with the Hill workouts be sure that you warm up prior to the Fartklek intervals and cool down afterwards.

If you have any questions, please ask coach@rhodesrunner.com

Monday – Rest / Day off

Tuesday – Easy Run 50-60mins, pace 5:59-6:33

Wednesday - Recovery or Cross Train, 30mins,  pace 5:59-6:33

Thursday – Fartlek 55mins, 5-7 repetitions, duration 3mins at 10k effort, with 1 minute recovery between each set. Run 15-25mins to warm up (5:59-6:33) before Fartlek and 15-25mins (5:59-6:33) to cool down.

Friday / Saturday - Recovery or Cross Train, 30mins,  pace 5:59-6:33

Sunday – Long Steady Run, 45-60mins, pace 6:01-6:46

Useful Links

Recovery, every runner’s secret training weapon

Glossary of running terms

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

How to warm up and cool down

When Not to Run, When to Change a Workout